Celebrate World Radiography Day by attending a webinar dedicated to Radiation Therapy Technologists (RTTs). Engage with experts discussing the advances of the RTT role and its impact on patient care. The post Advancing the Role of Radiation Therapists: Exploring the Australian Experience appeared first on Accuray Exchange.
Join us for this webinar to learn from Prof. Shankar Siva, an expert on SABR for primary renal cell carcinoma. The post Evidence, Outcomes and Practical Guidance to SABR in Primary Renal Cell Carcinoma for Your Clinic appeared first on Accuray Exchange.
Webinar zu Lösungsansätzen für komplexe Zielvolumina und Dosisverschreibungen in der Strahlentherapie. The post Lösungsansätze für komplexe Bestrahlungskonzepte in der modernen Strahlentherapie appeared first on Accuray Exchange.
Don't miss the upcoming regional webinar for the USA, which will offer insights into the proposed reimbursement rules for 2025. The post Overview of Reimbursement & Update on Payment Landscape appeared first on Accuray Exchange.
Join us during Prostate Cancer Awareness Month to hear from one of the leading experts in the field, presenting on the important issue of pelvic lymph node management in high-risk prostate cancer. The post Controversies and Evidence: Pelvic Lymph Node Management in High-Risk Prostate Cancer appeared first on Accuray Exchange.
Discover the full potential of Synchrony® with the Radixact® System in this must-see webinar. The post Synchrony® with the Radixact® System: Unlocking the Full Potential appeared first on Accuray Exchange.
Join us for this webinar focusing on SBRT for pancreatic cancer The post Advances in Pancreatic SBRT using the CyberKnife® System appeared first on Accuray Exchange.
Join us to learn more about treating anal squamous cell carcinoma with curative Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) and chemotherapy from the team at European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy. The post Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) for Anal Squamous Cell Cancer appeared first on Accuray Exchange.
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